Title Authorsort descending Last updated
Transformative Agreements Implementation CoP 2024/3 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
Digital Dexterity Community of Practice 2024/6 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
CAUL Awards Grace Daw 18/11/2024
Library Learning and Teaching Leaders CoP 2024/6 Grace Daw 17/01/2024
OER Collective 2024/4 Grace Daw 18/04/2024
Library Collections Analysis Community of Practice 2023/2 Grace Daw 27/06/2023
Academy of Social Sciences Research Infrastructure Decadal Plan submission Grace Daw 31/08/2023
Library Collections Analysis Community of Practice 2024/5 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
Library Learning and Teaching Leaders CoP 2023/5 Grace Daw 30/06/2023
Australian Open Science Network Meeting 2024/2 Grace Daw 05/12/2023
Digital Dexterity Community of Practice 2024/1 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
Library User Experience CoP 2024/6 Grace Daw 14/02/2024
Library Learning and Teaching Leaders CoP 2024/1 Grace Daw 17/01/2024
OER Collective CoP 2024/1 Grace Daw 24/01/2024
CAUL Procurement Vendor Showcase Grace Daw 13/08/2024
Library Learning and Teaching Leaders CoP 2024/10 Grace Daw 17/01/2024
OER Collective CoP 2024/8 Grace Daw 30/08/2024
Library Collections Analysis Community of Practice 2023/6 Grace Daw 27/06/2023
CAUL and APA new Open Access Agreement Grace Daw 26/10/2023
Value & Impact Community of Practice 2024/3 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
Library User Experience CoP 2024/1 Grace Daw 12/03/2024
Transformative Agreements Implementation CoP Ringgold presentation Grace Daw 15/11/2023
Transformative Agreements Implementation CoP 2024/2 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
Digital Dexterity Community of Practice 2024/5 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
CAUL Member Prospectus Grace Daw 21/11/2023
Library Learning and Teaching Leaders CoP 2024/5 Grace Daw 17/01/2024
OER Collective CoP 2024/3 Grace Daw 30/04/2024
CAUL Response to the Consultation for Sexual Harm Good Practice Note Grace Daw 27/07/2023
Library Collections Analysis Community of Practice 2024/4 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
OER Collective CoP 2024/12 Grace Daw 16/01/2024
Library Learning and Teaching Leaders CoP 2023/4 Grace Daw 30/06/2023
CAUL and John Benjamins Publishing Company new Open Access Agreement Grace Daw 16/04/2024
Australian Open Science Network Meeting 2024/1 Grace Daw 05/12/2023
Value & Impact Community of Practice 2024/7 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
Library User Experience CoP 2024/5 Grace Daw 14/02/2024
Transformative Agreements Implementation CoP 2024/6 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
Digital Dexterity Community of Practice 2024/9 Grace Daw 06/12/2023
Cancelled: Library Collections Analysis CoP Extraordinary Meeting - Tableau Grace Daw 10/10/2024
Library Learning and Teaching Leaders CoP 2024/9 Grace Daw 17/01/2024
OER Collective CoP 2024/7 Grace Daw 02/08/2024
Library Collections Analysis Community of Practice 2023/5 Grace Daw 29/11/2023
CAUL's new Open Access Agreement with ACM Grace Daw 26/10/2023
CAUL endorses the ICOLC Statement on the Global COVID-19 Pandemic Harry Rolf 17/07/2020
Australian university libraries and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Harry Rolf 08/08/2018
Professional Development Services Harry Rolf 04/06/2020
Respect Now Always Media Release Harry Rolf 17/11/2017
CAUL Manager Content Procurement Appointed Harry Rolf 21/07/2020
CAUL Digital Dexterity Community of Practice launch Harry Rolf 15/01/2019
CAUL Achievement Award 2002-2019 Harry Rolf 02/11/2020
CAUL and IPO agree new and innovative consortium model Harry Rolf 23/10/2023
