July update - CAUL's Fair, affordable & open access to knowledge Program

Topics CAUL Business, Repositories, Scholarly Communications

Work continues on the projects within the CAUL Fair, Affordable and Open Access to Knowledge Program.  This post provides an update on the current status of the four projects as of June 2018. Any questions can be directed to Jill Benn (UWA) the Program Director.

Retaining Rights to Research Publications

Project Lead: Frances O’Neil

During the last month the project plan was finalised and approved.  A scoping brief for legal advice has been completed and quotes have been obtained.  A ‘desktop’ survey of university IP policies has been undertaken.  A review of UK-SCL processes is underway and a review of the barriers to an UK-SCL approach within Australia has been completed.  A presentation about this project will be made at the next CAUL Members meeting.

Review of Australian Repository Infrastructure

Project Lead: Martin Borcher

During the last month the survey on current Australasian research repository infrastructure was analysed a report has been drafted. A review and report on the international research repository infrastructure and developments has been drafted.  A series of repository user stories has commenced and a report outlining how current Australasian research repository infrastructure can be improved is being drafted.  The team is also exploring an “ideal” repository environment and investigating next generation repository tools.

Fair Use Advocacy to Remove Barriers to Knowledge Creation and Dissemination

Project Lead: Catherine Clark

The project team has largely been focused on drafting the comprehensive CAUL Submission to the Government’s Modernisation Review.  The final submission can be accessed from the government website and will be useful in preparing advocacy arguments as part of the Fair Use Project.  A draft project plan is now being reviewed and will be finalised shortly.  An environmental scan to identify fair use advocacy materials that can be made available to CAUL members has commenced.  

CAUL Statement on Open Scholarship Review

Project Lead: Peter Green

The project team have had their first meeting and have drafted the project plan  The first review of CAUL Statement on Open Scholarship has commenced and there is a review of current environment through sharing of readings, websites and other policy statements.

Author Harry Rolf
Last modified 1 August 2018